We are a group of Christians who meet together in Cambridge, Ontario, to preach the good news of God’s salvation, worship, pray, and study the Bible. Since 1875, we have met as a local church to serve God and witness to the community. Here are a few things you might be interested to know about us:

    •    We are gathered to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone (Matthew 18:20). Gathering alone in His name conveys His unique, authoritative presence in the midst of our gatherings according to His own words. The sufficiency of His name thus rejects all other names.

    •    Our building name, ‘Gospel Hall’ is indicative of the priority we give to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We devote every Sunday evening service to preaching the Gospel (Romans 1:16)

    •    We believe the Bible is God’s Word and is the basis for all our teaching and preaching, and the foundation for all of our practices (2Timothy 3:16)

    •    We are not part of a denomination. We do enjoy fellowship with a large number of local churches throughout the world on the basis of a common understanding of the Word of God

    •    We aim to give Christ His rightful place as Lord, Head, and Chief Shepherd. Spiritual activity such as preaching, teaching, collective prayer and worship, is a shared responsibility

    •    Church leadership is through a body of elders who are accountable to God, and whose only authority is the Word of God (Acts 20:27)